
Celebrating Lab Professionals Across the Industry

April 21, 2021 By: Quadax

Recognizing the important role labs play to help identify, reduce and battle diseases 

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (AKA: #LabWeek) gives us an opportunity to generate new awareness and excitement about the laboratory medicine profession – it’s what many of our clients do and we want to acknowledge the dedication and hard work their employees bring to work every day, regardless of their lab setting. 

Molecular Diagnostics Laboratories


With three broad areas of testing (genetics, hematopathology, and infectious disease), molecular diagnostics laboratories are at the forefront of diagnostic advancements to aid in detection and treatment options for various conditions and diseases. As such, these labs often face complex reimbursement requirements, grow quickly, and work in partnership with referring providers to best report and collaborate on test findings to advance to treatment phases of patient health.

Clinical Laboratories


Clinical and medical laboratories are performing routine and/or specialized tests to gather certain health information as it relates to a patient’s diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. While helping to keep many of us healthy, these labs often face challenges relative to their valuable role in the healthcare continuum, including: ongoing reimbursement compression from multiple fronts, changing healthcare models, and an explosion of healthcare IT demands.

Hospital Outreach LaboratoriesLab Tech with blood sample

Laboratory outreach offered by hospitals connects lab services to the local community on an outpatient basis. In other words, the hospital lab can act as a clinical lab for community providers by offering a broad spectrum of laboratory testing, such as pathology, blood chemistry, urinalysis, cytogenetics, microbiology and more. By doing so, the lab’s services are broadened beyond in-patient testing and the lab becomes a service line within the hospital.


Regardless of the area of testing involved, the laboratory professionals employed by these lab entities fight in the frontlines of healthcare on a daily basis. From all of us at Quadax, we celebrate and thank you for all you do!

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