
Our Commitment to Flattening the Curve

March 31, 2020 By: Quadax

Helpful tips and resources for working remote.

At Quadax, we are committed to doing our part to flatten the curve and minimize the spread of COVID-19. Even though we are considered an essential business, 99% of our staff are working remotely, limiting in-person interactions. And we are encouraging employees to stay home to stop the spread.

As we all shelter in place, and know a vast majority of our clients are also working off-site, here are some helpful tips to successfully working remote.

Create a dedicated workspace in your home.

When your home becomes the place where you spend your free time and the place you work, you may want to consider separating the two. If you have the space, dedicate a specific area in your home where you can go to work each day. Choose a spot that minimizes distractions and helps you focus. And try to make sure your workspace has all the things you need to be productive (e.g., pens, paper, desk lamp, workstation, etc.).

Start your day with your normal “Get Ready For Work” routine.

Avoid the temptation to skip your morning routine. Routines provide structure to your day—helping you stay organized and productive. Resources on work from home (WFH) best practices recommends following the morning routine you're used to: keep your alarm set, eat breakfast, shower, get dressed, walk your dog, read the news—then, just like every other morning, get started on your work.

Know your resources.

Have a printed list (in case you get locked out of your workstation) of IT or other resources that are available to help if you’re experiencing problems with your workstation.

Engage in Independent Learning. Invest in yourself—utilize your off hours to learn more about the new communication and teleconferencing products now available to you. Here’s one suggestion:

  • GoToMeeting (GTM) has some great pre-recorded training videos. Whether you are a meeting organizer or a meeting attendee, it helps to know what GTM features are available.
  • The Quadax Resources Center is also a good source for healthcare industry knowledge and information. There are blogs, white papers and on-demand webinars available for download.  

Collaborate and communicate with colleagues.

It’s important to stay in contact with colleagues. Emails, instant messages, web conferencing, or just picking up the phone are all ways to stay connected. Scheduling weekly team calls and individual 1:1 calls with members of your team is also important to share progress and maintain collaboration.

Update even if there’s no update.

Uncertainty fuels anxiety. The more you communicate and share, the less chance there is to develop an information vacuum within your team. Communicate regularly even if you don’t have new information to share. Maintaining transparency through a crisis with frequent updates is the ultimate expression of good faith, empathy, and genuine concern for your team.

Stand up and stretch. 

In lieu of walking to the printer or the restroom several times a day, you’ll want to remember to stand up and stretch your legs regularly - even just a quick march in place for 60 seconds will improve circulation and renew your energy. Remember this is a marathon and not a need to take care of yourself during the days ahead.

Stay strong and well.

Humans are hyper-social creatures who long to belong. And psychological safety — where your team members feel included, safe to learn, safe to contribute, and safe to challenge the status quo, all without fear of being embarrassed, marginalized, or punished in some way — is paramount even under conditions of quarantine. That’s why communication is now more important than ever.


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