
Steering Primary Care with Value-Based Reimbursement

Many unknowns remain in the future of healthcare reimbursement; the best way to succeed is to ensure your revenue cycle is operating at peak efficiency. 

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Patient Access Antidote: How Labs Can Retain More Revenue

Helping patients manage financial responsibility can help preempt unnecessary denials, payment delays, and uncollected balances.

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How to do an Apples to Apples Vendor Comparison

Making the decision to replace vendors functioning in any part of your revenue cycle is BIG.

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[Medical] Necessity -- the Mother of Insolvency??

Medical necessity rules policies are not a new phenomenon, but their impact on cash flow is increasingly sharp.

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Encore Performance!  Quadax is #1 -- Again!

Quadax is honored to be recognized for a second year in a row as Category Leader, #1 for Claims Management by KLAS Research.

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