
Gaining Coverage for Your Lab’s New Diagnostic Test

When it comes to gaining coverage for a Laboratory Developed Test (LDT), insurance companies are not the enemy.

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Don’t Have a Meltdown! Practice Cyber Hygiene to Mitigate Risk

Practicing preemptive cybersecurity hygiene can help prevent adversaries from accessing your high-value assets including systems which handle PHI and PII.

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Making a New Year’s Resolution for Your Claims Clearinghouse

With the New Year fast approaching, resolutions for improvement are on everyone’s minds.

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OPPS 2018 Revisions:  Outpatient 14-Day Rule Changes to Lab DOS Policy

The new CMS OPPS rule changes could impact your lab's revenue cycle process. 

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Living with PAMA—What is Your Lab’s Prognosis?

The financial impact of PAMA to your laboratory depends largely on the type of testing you perform.

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