
Healthcare M&A Increasing—Will You Be Impacted?

Pandemic likely catalyst for future deals and partnerships

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Larger Payments for Labs Producing Faster COVID-19 Results

CMS incentivizes labs to complete high throughput COVID-19 tests quicker

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COVID-19 Test Pricing: Know the Facts, Protect Your Lab’s Reputation

Concerns about test price gouging may lead to greater scrutiny of costs

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RCM Automation: Where to Focus or Further Refine

COVID-19 continues to disrupt healthcare delivery, which will pose financial challenges to both large and small organizations. Now is the right time to investigate automation to keep revenue flowing and optimize reimbursements.

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Mitigating the Financial Consequences of COVID-19

Is it time to automate your RCM? Learn more about the advantages and how to evaluate if it would benefit your organization.

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