
Best-in-Breed Quadax Acknowledges National Dog Day

At the end of the workday, after long hours dealing with healthcare revenue cycle complexities, it is a wonderful feeling to be welcomed home. Dog lovers everywhere can appreciate this unconditional response. Where would we be without our canine companion(s)? The staff at Quadax joins you in celebrating National Dog Day on August 26.

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Reduce Chaos in Your PFS Universe – Avoid Claim Processing Roadblocks

The right claims management system can deliver the control you seek.

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Patient Financial Services Challenges are No Picnic

Utilizing tactics to plan for a picnic can translate into revenue cycle success as well.

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Fielding an All Star Healthcare Revenue Cycle Operations Team

Getting the right people on your team can produce profitable returns well into the future. 

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RAC Audits and What They Mean for Healthcare Providers

Providers can take action to ensure potential RAC audits don’t lead to unpleasant surprises.

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