
Navigating Reimbursement for Liquid Biopsy Cancer Testing

Thirty-eight percent of private payers now cover some type of ctDNA-based panel testing. Is your lab aware of evolving payment policies?

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COVID-19: Insurers Exempt from Covering Workplace Testing

Must Cover “Medically Appropriate” Tests Only

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12 Tips to Recover Patient Volume and Finances After COVID-19

As patient volumes declined drastically during COVID-19, facilities are eager to get more patients back into the office and provide the care that was delayed.

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Is Telehealth Here to Stay? Industry Experts say YES!

Predicted to increase over the last decade, it wasn’t until the pandemic that telehealth really began to take off.

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Healthcare CFOs Looking to Technology Amidst Revenue Decline

The pandemic has required healthcare organizations to take stock of their financial technology.

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