
14 Day Rule Regarding ADLT, MolPath Tests Continues to Show Movement

Impact on CMS reimbursement of ADLTs and Molecular Pathology testing during the 14 days following a hospital stay.

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Prior Authorization – The Lab’s Dilemma

Are payers’ Prior Authorization programs impacting your laboratory’s bottom line?

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Three Ways Providers Can Prepare for MBI Impact

Commencing January 1, 2020, Providers must submit claims to Medicare with the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) regardless of the date of service.

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OPPS 2018 Revisions:  Outpatient 14-Day Rule Changes to Lab DOS Policy

The new CMS OPPS rule changes could impact your lab's revenue cycle process. 

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Is Your Lab Aware of CMS Claim Requirements for “Unlisted” Test Codes?

Is your laboratory’s claims and reimbursement processing ready to handle CMS changes?

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