
Considerations for Private Companies Implementing ASC 606 – Part 2

To assist private companies in understanding what the auditors will request and review, we have identified some of the relevant auditing standard requirements.

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Why Month-End Cash Posting is Scarier than Halloween

For a cash posting manager, Halloween’s got nothing on the horrors of manual splitting, posting, and reconciling remittances.

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Considerations for Private Companies Implementing ASC 606 – Part 1

Tips, lessons learned and what you need to know for implementing the new revenue guidance.

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Hanging in the Balance: Addressing Surprise Billing Issues

Awareness of regulations, consistent payment policies, patient communications can help alleviate "surprise" bills.

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14 Day Rule Regarding ADLT, MolPath Tests Continues to Show Movement

Impact on CMS reimbursement of ADLTs and Molecular Pathology testing during the 14 days following a hospital stay.

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